Wow, it has been a while since I have updated on here! Lyla is doing so many new things since the last post. The most important would be WALKING/Running I suppose. She is mimicking so many words that Casey and I say now too!! Its so precious! A couple words she likes to repeat when she hears them are "happy" and "Duke", "elbow", "woah
OH! This is by far my favorite word she says so far... "amen". Casey and I pray with her everynight before bed and about a month ago she started saying "AMEN!" Very loud... like she was proud to have figured out how to say it. So sweet. One night I started "Jesus we thank you..." and Lyla chimed in with 'AMEN!' before we even got started. She was really sleepy I suppose... :)
Next part might be TMI. Unless you have kids of your own...
We have also been telling her about using the potty; pee pee and poo poo. We started talking more about it last week so she would start understanding the concept. We weren't trying to potty train or anything just introduce a new idea. However, she has caught on quick! She now tells us when she is dirty by walking over to us and pulling on her diaper or bringing us a new one. Also, she says "pee pee" directly after she has done that in her diaper.
We decided to buy her a training potty and she will go sit on it if we ask her if she needs to go potty. She hasn't gone in it yet ( thank goodness she's still really young!) But i'm very pleased to see how interested she is in the topic. It shouldn't be too hard to train her completley. Praise God!
I don't think I've mentioned her praising before or not so I will again!
She loves to stay out with us during praise and worship at church. We don't let her very often, but when we do she fully participates! Lol its so neat. She claps of course and will raise her hands if she sees other people doing it. Swaying side to side is another favorite of hers during praise. What a joy she is!
She is also catching some phrases out of some popular childrens songs and singing them in her own way. Ex: "How I wonder what you are" from the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is sung wow i wow woah woah woah .... hilarious. And E-I-E-I-O to Old Macdonald had a farm. Its not very clear, but she joins in on those parts during the songs. Row Row Row your boat... etc.
Ok so I think thats about it.... Here are some pictures!

Lyla is showing us her "abee" here. More commonly known as "Belly button"
Our new furniture!
Casey was having fun making Lyla's hair stick up from static here. He mentioned that this photo gives the illusion that the pillow is floating. haha
At the park on one of the nicer days before the big snow!
Swinging! She really enjoys it! Sometimes she decides to lean foward to look at the ground while she swings... which can be a little scary. She did well this day though.
Very excited to ride the rocking duck.
I just thought this one was sweet. Anytime we go to a park and there are guard rails she looks through them like this... don't know why.
Snow Days!

Lyla and I

She was digging through the snow here.

Lyla and Daddy

Waving to Samuel and Joshua next door.

Plum tucker'd. Don't we all just love a sleeping baby picture?