Friday, May 1, 2009

Lyla Standing in Crib!!

Here are the pics after Lyla pulled up on the side of her crib.

Cute Pictures at MiMi's House!

I really enjoy taking pictures outside, mainly because the lighting is always beautiful (on a sunny day). Mom had just bought some clothes for Lyla, she has the brown romper on in these, so we tried some on and headed outside to take pictures! We found a cute patch of clovers that was free of stickers to sit her on. She would just look around, play with the grass, and looked at me a few times as if she knew she was supposed to be posing. Cutie! She continues to amaze me.
Other big news!! Lyla has been scootin'/army crawling across the floor faster and faster! She gets up on her knees much more and rocks. Sometimes she'll take a few steps, then she'll get back on her belly.
But the most EXCITING news is.... She has started pulling up on her crib!!!!!! WHAT?! She's not supposed to do that yet!!! I'm not sure i'm ready for this!! :O But I still had this bubbling joy for her. She is so strong and mighty! When I first saw her standing there holding on to her crib I screamed for Casey... I was suprised, scared, and excited all at the same time! You know how 50 different thoughts go through your head at one time... Well I thought " OH NO what if she fell?", "OH MY GOSH!!! IM SO PROUD!", and "SO Soon???". Those pictures will come later... For now enjoy these pictures of Lyla safely playing in the grass and looking

Her grin is like an escape from this world...