Monday, January 12, 2009

Caleb and Lyla Video

This video was taken at Tim and Sandi's house on the Saturday after Christmas. Lyla has been talking (cooing) much more latley, so when Casey and Seth faced them towards each other she talked (cooed) his ear off! It was sooo sweet. Caleb was very intently listening too; he has been taught well ;)


  1. The video is so cute! I tried to email you the one that I took, but the file was too big. Isn't it so neat how you can definitely tell by looking at Caleb and Lyla's faces who is the boy and who is the girl! :) They are such a blessing! Love you!

  2. i think this is so fun. did you notice that caleb turned & looked @ lyla when jana asked him to talk to her. that's pretty neat. love ya'll
