Sunday, December 28, 2008


So the wonderful Christmas season is over. I hear alot of people saying that they are glad it's finally over, but I can't say that I am. I love the time with family! Catching up with everyone who doesn't live close by, and getting to spend some quality time with everyone always gets me excited! We had a jam packed past few days. Christmas Eve was spent with my Grandma Heim in Fort Smith and all the aunts, uncles, and cousins that are on my dad's side. Lyla was really good and happy for everyone! She even met Santa for the first time...

We woke up the next day (Christmas Day) and made breakfast for the family then had Christmas lunch later that day. There were a few family members that hadn't met Lyla yet, so we enjoyed getting to see them hold her and love on her for the first time.

This is Lyla and her Great Grandma Genevieve Heim

This is Lyla and her 2nd cousin Analise.

Lyla and another 2nd cousin Addison. Lyla really liked her. She was so content in her arms!

Lyla and Uncle Steve. I think she was intrigued at how tall he was!

The last event for the day was visiting with Claire back home at Russellville. Friday we were free until 6... so we slept until 11:00 :) Then we got groceries and made our snack foods for that evening with my mom's family. They decorate my Grandpa's shop (Jubby) every Christmas for a get together. A true old time Christmas.

Dad, Casey and Lyla watching the rest of the family play secret santa.

The next day we had more Christmas fun! At 10:30 am we had brunch at my mom's house. We were told to wear our pj's. It was really fun!

This is a beautiful music box mom and dad got for Lyla.

We also like to take goofy pictures!

After that we spent the rest of the day with Tim, Sandi, Seth, Jana, Caleb, and the girls! (Lily, Abby, and Brittany) We at a delicious dinner prepared by Tim and Sandi, opened presents, watched Casey and Seth shoot each other (nerf guns... don't worry, no violence in this family. Except for the occasional wrestling match), and then the fun task of getting babies to sleep.

Brittany, Abby, and I

Aunt Jana and Lyla. (Had trouble rotating this picture for whatever reason... sorry Jana :S )

Cousin Caleb and Lyla talking to one another. We have a really cute video of this too! It will be posted later.

Casey, Uncle Seth and Lyla.

Hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did!

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