Lyla had never really met or played with Liv (they are in different classes at church), so the night before I got on Facebook to show Lyla some pictures of her new friend! She was very excited and woke up the next morning talking about getting to see Liv. Here are some pictures of the event. :)
This is before we left. We thought it was going to be a bit on the cool side (low 70's with wind) so we let Lyla wear one of her new jackets. However, It was not cool at all. Rather warm actually. So we shed the cute jacket right away. Anyway, Here are some cute "poses" from Lyla with her new outfit. The one on the right was all her! I think she was tired of me taking pictures and she just flashed a half-smile at me. haha
SUNFLOWERS! It didn't look like their field turned out as well as hoped (only half the field grew and bloomed), but it was still beautiful. Lyla ran into the field and played a little hide and seek for a couple minutes.
Walking across a bridge over a dried up creek.

A view of the pumpkin patch. They put ALOT of work into this event. Like I said earlier, all the pumpkins were pre-picked. Then they placed them around some smaller plants to give the kids a feel of picking the pumpkins from an actual field.
They also had quite a few scarecrows. This one had a basket with strawberries (plastic) in it. The girls enjoyed looking at it.
Pretty bright orange and dark green pumpkins.
Ring toss game.
Lindsey and Steven poking through the window.
Cute family photo + Lyla. Liv was very tired and hungry by this point. We were leaving after the hayride.
This was really cute! Lyla was excited to see the tractor and trailer!!! She was too short to look over the top with out one of us holding her, so she did some problem solving and found her own way!
Family Photo!!!
Thanks soo much for the blog. It makes being away much easier. I am glad that you had such a fun day. Lyla is growing into such a beauty. Not the least bit surprized that she was good with the critters. She was always good with mine & never afraid. Ya'll are doing such a good job. Looking foward to the party pictures & a visit as soon as you can. Love you all so much. Hugs & kisses.