Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lyla's Birthday Party!

We had lots of fun at Lyla's 3rd birthday party. We set up quite a few "art stations" for the kids (or adults) to play on. The most used one was the "Pumpkin Painting"; there were also Face Painting, Reading, and Sculpture Stations. Here, Lyla is painting her pumpkin.

This was the reading station. A big quilt, pile of books, beautiful weather, and friends make for a great read!
Lyla and I try to do this at home whenever we have extra time and pretty weather!

This was the "Sculpture Station". Really its just play dough, but hey that is a happy medium right? haha This is Lyla, Jaden, and Sarah. :) Sarah is soooo good with children of any age. Lyla loves her!

Sarah quickly got most of the other kiddos involved. They all decided to work together and make ---snakes. Yes, snakes. Don't ask me why, other than that is by far the easiest animal to make with play dough.

Here are their precious little snakes made from precious little hands!!

I think her favorite part was just squishing the "dough" between her fingers.

My lovely Grandma. :)

Jana and Lainey. Fallish backgrounds and beautiful subjects make for such great pictures.

Granny Sue, Jubby, and MiMi! Lyla is always excited to see her Jubby, (most of the time he bribes her with coins or dollars, which we have in her "piggy" bank.)

Singing Happy Birthday! She was getting used to being the center of attention at this point I think. ;)

Open big!!!

Ripping open presents.

This is the gift Seth, Jana, Caleb and Lainey gave Lyla. She really likes it! We have done pretty well with keeping all the pieces in one place too. Success.

Giving BIG hugs to Grandma.

Sometimes she literally runs right into you giving you the perfect opportunity for a -throw in the air and land with a BIG hug- squeeze. Love it :)

The beautiful pumpkins everyone made.

Near the end we went the the playground near by so the kiddos could run off some of that sugar energy!

Lyla had a wonderful day, and it showed that evening. She went to bed so thankful and extra smiley! We love her so much.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful birthday party. I know that ya'll had lots of fun. Thanks so much for sharing via the blog. Love ya'll...
