Tuesday, November 22, 2011

River House

The weekend before last we drove to my uncle Steve's river house near Berryville, AR. We went once this summer for a day trip and walked in the low river with Lyla. Needless to say she had a blast! Her daddy found and caught a few slimy tadpoles of which she eagerly held.

I was a bit more laid back about them... haha... but once I held one and caught a couple for Lyla I got over the slippery sliminess of them!

She would hold two or three at a time for a minute, then put them back. Shortly after, we would start the hunt all over!

We went back to do some work on Uncle Steve's shop and stayed for the weekend this time. Of course it was to cold to get wade in the water, but we did have fun riding four wheelers, walk in the fields and woods, and walking on the bank of the river. It was sunny and beautiful!
Unfortunately Saturday evening Lyla got pretty sick. This was literally the FIRST time she has ever been really sick. She has had basic ear infections, and sniffles, but never a stomach virus or a high fever. We battled this for the next few days, but Lyla knows she is healed by the stripes of Jesus and even remembered to declare this over herself! She also asked us to pray for her Saturday evening during dinner when she wasn't even feeling well enough to eat. In all the times we feel like we are not doing anything right, it is times like those that remind us we are doing okay!!! Praise God!!

Here are some pictures of the River trip!!

My niece Addison (now 16, she and Lyla have the same birthday) left some dolls at the river from when she was a little girl. Lyla remembered exactly where they were! This is the one doll that will be a reoccurring theme in the next few photos. This was Friday night. She was so excited about the trip!
Also, notice how the dolls clothes are off? Not sure why, but she loves taking those clothes off first thing when she grabs a doll.

She also like to take pictures! I've been collecting photos for a blog of photos from Lyla's point of view. Well I will get there one day. For now, I like this one because it shows her cute little legs and feet! Still so small. :)

Here we are riding in the Kubota with Mimi and Papa. Does it look like the doll is smiling to anyone else too? Haha. I was glad to see that the Kubota had seat belts! It was a bumpy ride.

Lyla and her daddy!

Papa in the ranger. He decided he wanted one of these after riding in one. Haha. The boys had a good time hunting/watching deer. My uncle is working on managing the dear so that the good genes live. Casey enjoyed just watching then one evening in a deer stand.

Also, my aunt Kathy and Uncle Dennis have also built a house up there. Near their house were lots of young maple trees that they were going to get rid of, so they told us to take as many as we wanted. We have been wanting some trees for our land, and free trees are the best way to go! We got three maples, and a sycamore tree. I think the sycamores are just beautiful. Very hopeful that tree does well.

On the way to the land to plant them tonight. Lyla is really into oranges lately. She asked to bring one with her. Also, she likes to wear her cap, so I naturally put it on the 'normal' way.
Soon to be corrected. haha

Apparently this is the way she prefers them! Lol. I suppose she learned this from her daddy. :)

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