Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Christmas Morning 2014

Time to start blogging again! Casey super surprised me with a used camera that we had borrowed from a co-worker of his. I was just happy to get to play with one for a few weeks and was NOT expecting to get one soon. I had made up my mind that we would get one when the time was right, since DSLR camera's are so expensive. Getting a used one helped ALOT with the high cost too! So, here are the first pictures I took with MY new camera! YAY!

Here is Casey's expression right after he gave me the camera. I snapped his picture first!

I love the detail these camera's can capture.

Merry Christmas!

Now, I just need to get good at catching all FOUR eyes open....Ha!

Maybe if I could photo-shop these two picture together??

Micah still has some pretty interesting expressions! I remember he had such big smiles, frowns, or just silly faces when he was tiny. He still has 'em!

Lyla playing with her doctor outfit and new stethoscope that really works!  Casey and I enjoyed listening too.

Messy Christmas tree area.

I was playing with the settings here. I really like the blurry backgrounds and sharp detail on one object... in this case Duke's nose. I was going for his whole head... but the nose is good too.

I have laughed many times watching Micah walk around this table trying to catch Lyla with her basket of goods! Whether it is food, toys, books, or just her, he seems to really enjoy the chase. :)

Sleepy boy after presents and fun playtime. Hoping everyone else had a fun filled Christmas Morning!

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