Monday, August 3, 2009


About a week and a half ago, Lyla really got into the peek-a-boo, or where's Lyla game. This is a video of us playing one day after lunch. This shows the first time she discovered it could be a game. :)

There is a park about 4/5ths of a mile from our house that Lyla and I walk to sometimes. They recently put a new jungle gym in with a hard rubber floor. This day when we went to play, there were about 8 kids playing at the park. She would watch what they were doing and even talk to them (yell if they got close enough to hear). She finally crawled over to the monkey bars and pulled up. She watched so many of the kids climb up it so she knew exactly what to do!

First bar down...

Second bar down...

And that's as far as she could reach.

On the way home, Lyla was really sleepy. I had just stopped pushing to catch a picture of her napping. She could tell that I stopped and woke up for a second.

And here is our precious sleeping baby.