Sunday, April 4, 2010

RCC EGGstravaganza!

On Saturday the Church held their annual easter egg hunt. It was lots of fun! We bought Lyla a few plastic eggs to practice hunting with. I really didn't think she would get the concept, but she sure did! I was amazed. We practiced in the living room. I would tell Lyla to go in her room or the kitchen until I called her, she would. Then I would put a couple in plain sight and a few that she really had to pay attention for. Ex: on the desk (above her eye sight) In a sleeve of a hoodie, etc. With some direction help from mom and dad she would find every single egg! It was too cute. She really enjoyed herself. At the hunt however she seemed to be more interested in all the other kids finding eggs than getting them herself. She did find quite a few (they were just laying on the ground) but she also watched the other kids. The weather was beautiful so we all loved being outside!

Claire, her girls and the easter bunny!!

Here Sandi is not only hugging the Easter bunny, but also trying to convince Lyla that he is a nice bunny. Lol Lyla was not going near that thing...

And here is her confused expression. "What is that thing?"

And another expression while looking at the bunny.

Finding an egg!

Above right: We sat Lyla on this rock to take a few pics... She was pretty restless to get back down and run around so this was the best smile we got. haha

I dont really remember what this expression is for. She is definetley get more funny and cute facial expressions.

Ready to get back down and PLAY! Lol she did good though and let us get a few pics.
By the way.... My Camera is currently not working. These pictures were taken by Angie Wiser. She's great!