Sunday, January 19, 2014

Her Very Own

I have been planning and dreaming of decorating Lyla's bedroom since we started building our house. Actually, probably LONG before that. Nonetheless, it is finished. And I really like it... Oh wait, it is not for me. She really likes it. :)


Finding a good deal just makes me plum happy. The pink chandelier above was a Craigslist find.  Already painted and ready to be hung. How cute and girly is that?

We had some scrap trim pieces left from the house, so I made some picture frames and painted them pretty colors to display her art, letters from friends, or family pictures. 

The flags are from her birthday party decorations. Scrapbook paper triangles hung on hemp twine. I saved them with baby girl's room in mind. 

ONE ROOM DONE! I can mark that off my list. :) 
Happy day everyone!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I was reading a book I borrowed, from a dear sweet friend, regarding motherhood and its purpose. I like to really read, re-read, and ponder on books like these hoping to let them sink in and really change me for the better. Well, this one has some questions to think, write, and reflect about at the end of each chapter. One of these questions and coordinating scriptures has given me a whole new light about my children.

The Question: Read Psalm 127:3. What does this verse imply about the ministry of motherhood?

Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
    the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
    are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents,
    with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you;
    you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep. 

First, I let myself see that my children are my weapon (vs 5). Weapon? YES! They are my fist full of arrows. Just think for a moment about the child-like faith our children have. They have faith in us, their parents, faith in the world, faith in tomorrow, faith in good; they do not fear (unless they are taught too); they are full of laughter and joy; they are filled LOVE right from the womb. What could be more dangerous to the enemy than these things? Our children bring us back to a place where faith is expected, goodness reigns, and fun is... well, common! I believe this is why life tends to be so BUSY in today's world. The enemies way of keeping us from using our weapons. And busyness is expected and respected in most cultures. Think of a warrior with a FIST FULL of arrows. Seems silly to think about them not being used.

Just seeing those gleeful smiles shuts out any darkness. A fist full of arrows...

Then I re-read (like I do) and notice that I am blessed because I am a parent. Because I have children, I have blessings. My Lyla and Micah are my blessings

My rewards. 

My prizes. 

Grab a hold of this and let it rock your world. 'Cause let's face it, the worldly view of children is messy, loud, dirty, annoying, time consuming, and expensive. But our Father says that my babies are my PRIZE!! 

I felt His anointing poor over me as I grasped this concept. And I am holding on for dear life. I never want to forget that Lyla and Micah and any other babies we may have are my reward. They are my BLESSING. and therefore, I have begun addressing them as my blessing out loud. Instead of saying "sweety" or "darling", I say "blessing". 

It reminds me of my ministry as a mother, it keeps my focus on my Father's view of children, and it lets my blessings know that they are just that... a blessing. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fun at the Park

McCraine Christmas Party

We always have so much fun when the McCraine's get together! I have lots of fun pictures from that visit.

Here Lyla and Lainey are playing with lipgloss and chapstick.

 All the kiddos opening presents!

Lyla was very excited about her play barn from Gran and Poppamac. She spends alot of time playing with it on the dining room table!

Sweet Micah opening his wooden truck from Seth and Jana.

Lainey trying on her cowgirl outfit! So cute!

 The Middle grandkids.

Jana was #1 opening presents during Dirty Santa!

Sandy opening her gift. A basket full of goodies! Can't get much better than that :)

Seth making faces. Haha! Casey and Seth are always making us laugh!

Casey laughing at his present. He saw what it was earlier and forgot when he was picking....and then he remember after he picked it up. 

It was a cozy blanket! Lol I liked it :)

I really like the present I opened! Ree Drummonds new cookbook. Yessssss.. AND no one stole it from me! Double Yesssssssssssss!

 All the grandkids picture time! I love the progression here. Everyone trying to make everyone smile.

Abbey ticklig Micah...

 Lyla ticking Lainey...

What fun!

Casey wearing my necklace and napping... score.

Lyla and Abbey reading. These girls love to read!

Granny and Jubby- 60 years

It has always been my dream to be married for a really long time. As I type that, I can't help but think, "Duh! isn't that what everyone wants when they get married?". And yet, today so many marriages are short lived and the union of Marriage itself doesn't seem to be as treasured or sacred.

Well, my marriage is most treasured, and sacred. I strive to be selfless and devoted in my marriage, even though I feel like I am constantly getting everything I ever dreamed of in it. I guess that is how it is supposed to work right? I give all of myself, and he gives all of himself. And let me tell ya, he does.

So, now after attending my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, I am going to start planning mine. :) Not that I'm in a hurry for 60 years to pass by... just that I'm excited to look in to his eyes and say "I thought I loved you 60 years ago, but I love you even more now."

Papa and Micah. Micah is still mesmerized by the camera flash sometimes. :)

Jubby and his two sons. Don't they look handsome?

The happy couple :) I adore and respect these two so much!

Jubby specifically asked for this picture. Love these men!

The daughters and there momma! Precious. 

My granny is so beautiful! Almost 80 years old and still takes my breath away. Glad I have here genes ;)

The tree Granny wanted me to draw for the guest to sign. Turned out okay!

Okay, so this picture shows how much Micah loves his cousin Adelaide! He is always grabbing, hugging, kissing, and pulling at her every time we see them! SO funny. 

Don't know if you can see it or not, but my mum is starting to shed a few tears here. As we all did :)

Musical uncle singing soft and low. 

Granny escorted by their oldest son Jim. 

The kiss!

Tianna and Zuriel looking fly ;)

Pallet board wall full of pictures from all the blessings that came from their union. (Children, grandkids, and greats alike)

A pretty recent picture.

When they were dating :)

The cake my eldest sister made all by herself! She did wonderful!

Lyla loves her Tianna. Blessed to have such a Godly role model for Lyla to look up to!

Jubby Making googly eyes. Glad I caught that image!

And a nice face. Ha!

I am proud to say that my grandparents have been married for 60 years. He still holds her hand, and kisses her,walks near her and keeps her safe on cold, windy or rainy days. He teases her and loves her, while she respects him and takes such good care of him. Just like the instructions our Father gives us for a healthy marriage. :) I love these two with all my heart!