Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Granny and Jubby- 60 years

It has always been my dream to be married for a really long time. As I type that, I can't help but think, "Duh! isn't that what everyone wants when they get married?". And yet, today so many marriages are short lived and the union of Marriage itself doesn't seem to be as treasured or sacred.

Well, my marriage is most treasured, and sacred. I strive to be selfless and devoted in my marriage, even though I feel like I am constantly getting everything I ever dreamed of in it. I guess that is how it is supposed to work right? I give all of myself, and he gives all of himself. And let me tell ya, he does.

So, now after attending my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, I am going to start planning mine. :) Not that I'm in a hurry for 60 years to pass by... just that I'm excited to look in to his eyes and say "I thought I loved you 60 years ago, but I love you even more now."

Papa and Micah. Micah is still mesmerized by the camera flash sometimes. :)

Jubby and his two sons. Don't they look handsome?

The happy couple :) I adore and respect these two so much!

Jubby specifically asked for this picture. Love these men!

The daughters and there momma! Precious. 

My granny is so beautiful! Almost 80 years old and still takes my breath away. Glad I have here genes ;)

The tree Granny wanted me to draw for the guest to sign. Turned out okay!

Okay, so this picture shows how much Micah loves his cousin Adelaide! He is always grabbing, hugging, kissing, and pulling at her every time we see them! SO funny. 

Don't know if you can see it or not, but my mum is starting to shed a few tears here. As we all did :)

Musical uncle singing soft and low. 

Granny escorted by their oldest son Jim. 

The kiss!

Tianna and Zuriel looking fly ;)

Pallet board wall full of pictures from all the blessings that came from their union. (Children, grandkids, and greats alike)

A pretty recent picture.

When they were dating :)

The cake my eldest sister made all by herself! She did wonderful!

Lyla loves her Tianna. Blessed to have such a Godly role model for Lyla to look up to!

Jubby Making googly eyes. Glad I caught that image!

And a nice face. Ha!

I am proud to say that my grandparents have been married for 60 years. He still holds her hand, and kisses her,walks near her and keeps her safe on cold, windy or rainy days. He teases her and loves her, while she respects him and takes such good care of him. Just like the instructions our Father gives us for a healthy marriage. :) I love these two with all my heart!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome!!! You made me cry!!!! Give them hugs for me when you see them next. Love ya'll. ;)
