Tuesday, January 14, 2014

McCraine Christmas Party

We always have so much fun when the McCraine's get together! I have lots of fun pictures from that visit.

Here Lyla and Lainey are playing with lipgloss and chapstick.

 All the kiddos opening presents!

Lyla was very excited about her play barn from Gran and Poppamac. She spends alot of time playing with it on the dining room table!

Sweet Micah opening his wooden truck from Seth and Jana.

Lainey trying on her cowgirl outfit! So cute!

 The Middle grandkids.

Jana was #1 opening presents during Dirty Santa!

Sandy opening her gift. A basket full of goodies! Can't get much better than that :)

Seth making faces. Haha! Casey and Seth are always making us laugh!

Casey laughing at his present. He saw what it was earlier and forgot when he was picking....and then he remember after he picked it up. 

It was a cozy blanket! Lol I liked it :)

I really like the present I opened! Ree Drummonds new cookbook. Yessssss.. AND no one stole it from me! Double Yesssssssssssss!

 All the grandkids picture time! I love the progression here. Everyone trying to make everyone smile.

Abbey ticklig Micah...

 Lyla ticking Lainey...

What fun!

Casey wearing my necklace and napping... score.

Lyla and Abbey reading. These girls love to read!

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun!!!! Enjoyed your new house and look forward to the Birthday Party in February.... Love ya'll!!!! Hugs & Kisses to all.
