Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A new move! Literally...

This happened yesterday. I put Lyla on the bed while I put some clothes up, she saw my phone and decided she wanted it... so she started bouncing/crawling/scooting that direction. It's so cute! And she was also making the CUTEST noises. Very determined just like her daddy! We played with her doing this quite a few times and she kept getting better. It was so neat to watch her figure out how to use her legs a little. Enjoy!


  1. It looks like Lyla's gonna be an early crawler just like Caleb!! :) She's so cute!

  2. Just the cutest ever!!!! Bet she walks early!

  3. Oh My gosh!!! It's WONDERFUL. You are in the fast lane now!!! It only gets better from here.
