Friday, October 21, 2011

Random Photos

We have been working with Lyla on her letters and tracing them/ drawing them. Learning Land has also been working on letters in her class. Depending on the day she will draw a few fairly well by herself, like A, O, C, H, L, and some other easy ones.  This day we were tracing though. :)

Since the weather has been so lovely, we have been going to the park pretty often after I get off work. Her expressions when sliding down are of pure joy! This slide is pretty steep (made for 5-12 years-olds) so Lyla really likes it.

This was Lyla's last haircut a couple of weeks ago. She did SOOO well. The lady told her to close her eyes. She did so and didn't open them until she said to. She sat perfectly still which normally is something we don't even expect from her. Our usual hairdresser is used to cutting Lyla's hair while she is in constant motion or talking the whole time. haha  Had to get a picture of her scrunched face. :)

This was one afternoon after work that Lyla was in a good dolling up mood and let me fix her hair! She even liked the end result!

Oh, how Lyla LOVES her cousins. She talks about them and asks where they are just about everyday. This is when Zuriel came down to spend the night with Mimi and Papa. As you can see Lyla was thrilled. And Zuriel is just like his daddy, not to fond of pictures. ;)

1 comment:

  1. My kiddos learned to write the same way. I would dot the letter & they would trace it. We would talk about sounds & things that begin with the letter. Love the slide picture & the haircut picture. She is such a cutie. Love ya'll!!! Thanks so much for keeping the blog up.
